
Beersmith batch sparge
Beersmith batch sparge

beersmith batch sparge

I don't think I have every tasted a beer and said, "Hey, this beer is great. Efficiency, by the way, is highly overrated. I almost always get close to 72% efficiency using this method. I have always fly sparged because that is how I learned to brew and I find it very easy to execute. I don't know exactly what my point is other than it takes practice and it takes whatever means necessary or available to make good beer. I have never measured the amount of time it takes to fill my boil kettle once I start sparging.


I do it by feel (after much practice and trial and error, of course). I lower the pH of my sparge water by adding a little lactic acid. I add some gypsum and/or calcium chloride to my pale beer mashes and some chalk and/or baking soda to my dark beer mashes. I know exactly how much combined mash water and sparge water I need to reach my desired boil kettle volume. I don't worry about mash pH or tannin extraction either. I have been discussing ideas with backyard brewer on controlling sparge water pumped from the HTL to MT which would solve this problem on my system.

beersmith batch sparge

Keeping an eye on how much is sparged, a task I find leads to over sparging, takes more time to monitor then the batch process. However, brewer's beers don't seem to indicate an issue. Home brewers seem to stop the flow into the BK when they hit the pre-boil levels. Asking around I didn't find anyone who actually does this. Theoretically one could run too much water through the grain. The brew day is shorter.Įven when fly sparging, one is supposed to sparge with a specific amount of water. This takes less time then fly sparging even if a little more work. I hit preboil volumes without monitoring the sparge. I don't have to account for losses to deadspace or the grain. If I measure correctly, I can't over sparge, need to worry about tannin extraction, or mash pH. I measure the wort in the BK and pump the required water into the MT for another stir, vorlauf, drain cycle. After the vorlauf I drain as fast as it will drain. When batch sparging, I top off the MT before the vorlauf.

Beersmith batch sparge